Confirmation Code
Forgot Username
Forgot Password
Create Password
Reset Password
Enter your company code and username.
BART will send a confirmation code via email/text if a user is found.
Click Next to send a confirmation code via email/text.

Forgot your Username?
Your request cannot be completed at this time. Please try again later.
Enter your company code and email address / cell phone.
BART will send a confirmation code via email/text if a user is found.

Your username is:


If a matching user is found, you will receive a text or email with a 4 digit code.
Enter code below to confirm your identity.

Your password has been reset.
Your password could not be reset.
Please contact your BART Administrator.
Enter and confirm your new password below.
At least {{pwdPolicy.minLength.value}} characters
Contains {{pwdPolicy.numNumbers.value}} number(s)
Contains {{pwdPolicy.numSymbols.value}} symbol(s)
Must have characters other than your username
New and confirm passwords match